The best open source LMS for your e-Learning platform.

The Best e- Learning App Development Software
We are the Best Online Learning Software Development Company in Myanmar. With our app, you can learn anywhere and anytime with our e-Learning software. Furthermore, we are one of the top LMS online learning solutions wherein you can expand your horizon through learning.
Hire Top e-Learning Software Developer Agency in Yangon, Myanmar.
- Ready, fast and easy to use platform than Custom Script
- Create your own online tutoring marketplace using SaaS
- Affordable monthly subscription fee
- No coding required. Get started in a few clicks
Group Webinar Classes
Allow tutors to schedule and conduct one-to-many live webinars and group classes in real-time. Additionally, tutors can create webinars, set topics, description banners, schedule, entry fee, and maximum participants allowed from the tutor dashboard.
- Dedicated webinar management controls for admin, tutors, and students
- Create categories for the tutors to add webinar topics for students to see
- View calendar event manager to track and manage webinars

Meaningful learning experiences lead to increased attention and focus higher levels of critical thinking and more productivity.
Text, Audio, and Video Consultation
A real-time chat and call feature to reach your students instantly. Also, our application allows students to take classes and ask questions at any time despite their geographical location and the built-in call ability with screen sharing features enables a wholesome understanding.
Instant Payment Collection
Want to charge your students for the advice ? That’s possible too, through the application. It’s a secure integration with multiple payment gateways that enable accepting payments and set a fee as per your wish.
Keep a Track of your Analytics
With Webtech Myanmar, you can track your daily transactions and revenues and grow your revenues by consulting online.
Listing and Profiles
Help your students make informed choices. List different teachers on your application for students to connect with. Further, update any information at any time through the web back-end.
Appointment Booking
An appointment booking feature for students and teachers. Your students will get automated reminders which saves time and reduces no-shows. It also conveniently helps manage appointments through the web scheduler or mobile application.
Push Notifications
Save time, reduce no-shows, and avoid losing out on your business by sending automated reminders to your students.